Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Hooray for women being the change they want to see!

When Sciencewoman asked Alice Pawley to join her on Scienceblogs, she asked for help choosing a name. I thought it might be too obvious, but it seemed to me, "Sciencewomen" was THE choice. Even though Alice is not strictly a scientist, and quite proud of being an engineer, she most certainly uses scientific principles in her work, and the name was simple. I suggested it, and lo and behold, it was chosen as the new name for their joint blog. And to reward me for coming up with the obvious, I got this in the mail today:

I'm so proud!


Anonymous said...


Bora Zivkovic said...

Oh, it was you! Cool. Take good care of it...

ScienceWoman said...

Coturnix beat me to it. Glad you got the mug. Thanks for suggesting the name!

The Factician said...

Congrats. Enjoy your coffee in your new mug!