Bora found a new way to get a job in 3 easy steps.
1. Write a blog post stating you want the job, so the future employer can ask if the post should be considered a job offer in the comments.
2. Write official letter of application.
3. Visit for interview.
Mission accomplished. Congratulations to Bora and PLoS! And he gets the best of two worlds, he gets a San Francisco salary, without San Francisco cost-of-living. He'll have to post a picture of himself in his pajamas before it can be determined whether they can be deducted as work-related expenses.
Another chickenshit Democrat
7 hours ago
Thank you! I'll take a picture once I buy new pajamas (which I will now be able to afford). And it is not as bad as SF, but Chapel Hill is hellishly expensive as all the liberals of North Carolina try to sqeeze into just a couple of square miles...
gee, if he's telecommuting, maybe he should move to much cheaper north central florida ;).
maybe i'll try this. hmmm, i saw a posting for a lab monkey in dr. makita's lab. the job requirements fit me to a T, even down to the "must have toddler girl same as as mine for playmate" requirement. i wonder if i should take the job....
Should this be considered a job application?
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